Job Vacancy And Career Opportunity

19 July 2009

CPNS / PNS Departemen Keuangan July-August 2009

Lowongan PNS Departemen Keuangan18 July 2009 until 7 August 2009

In order to complete formation of the Ministry of Finance officials / Departemen Keuangan RI, Fiscal Year 2009, the Ministry of Finance to provide an opportunity for Indonesian Citizen to be received as a candidate of Civil Public Servant Class II / Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) Golongan II who will be assigned in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia on position as follows:

Name, Position and Educational Qualifications

1. Helmsman Level I (Juru Mudi Tingkat I) D-III Pelayaran graduates + ANT III (code 1)

2. Motor skilled worker Level I (Juru Motor Tingkat I) D-III Pelayaran graduates + ATT III (code 2)

3. Helmsman Level II (Juru Mudi Tingkat II) SMK Pelayaran graduates / SPM + ANT IV (code 3)

4. Motor skilled worker Level II (Juru Motor Tingkat II) SMK Pelayaran graduates / SPM + ATT IV (code 4)

5. Ship crew Level II (Anak Buah Kapal / ABK Tingkat II): SMK Machine graduates (code 5), SMK Electricity (code 6), SMK Electronics (code 7), SMK Ship Building (code: 8)

Notes: ANT: Ahli Nautika Tingkat, ATT: Ahli Teknika Tingkat

Registration Requirements

1. Citizens of Indonesia

2. Participants are graduates:

o D-III Pelayaran with minimum GPA 2.50 (two comma five-zero and the value is not the result of rounding) of the scale 4. (for Code KP 1 and 2);

o SMK Pelayaran with an average value of "Written Exam" on ijasah not less than 6.50 (six comma five-zero and the value is not a result of rounding). (for Code KP 3 and 4);

o SMK Engine / Electrical / Electronics / Ship Building with the average value "Written Exam" on ijasah not less than 7.00 (seven comma zero zero and the value is not the result of rounding). (for Code KP 5 to 8);

3. To Motor Skilled Workers Level I and Helmsman Level I, experienced on the practice of sailing, evidenced by a letter / recommendations from the relevant agencies;

4. Age based on date of birth listed in ijasah on 1 December 2009:

o Minimum 18 years and maximum 30 years for the code KP 1 and 2;

o Minimum 18 years and maximum 24 years for the KP code 3 to 8;

5. Male with body height at least 165 cm;

6. Not color blind, does not disabled and is not dependence on a drug addict / similar;

7. Never punished in prison or jail based on the Court, as to a criminal mischief;

8. Never dismissed with honor, not by own request, or not with honor as a civil public servant, member of the TNI / police, civil servants BUMN / BUMD or private sector employees;

9. Not currently stated as CPNS or PNS;

10. Willing to be placed in all areas of the Republic of Indonesia.

Registration procedure

* The file of applications containing:

o Letters of applications written with its own hand and addressed to the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia;

o Short CV;

o Photocopy of ijasah / STTB / STL and transcripts that have been legalized (temporary diploma certificate and graduation notes does not apply) and a photocopy of the certification ANT / ATT to applicants for the position helmsman and Motor Skilled Worker;

o Certificate of the Government Doctors that stated healthy spiritual and physical, and not color-blind;

o Certificate of the Police Note;

o Latest photographs (the last 3 months) size 4 x 6 sheets of 3;

o Copy of ID card / SIM is still valid;

o Certificate of Sailing Experience from the company / Employers for Helmsman Level I and Motor Skilled Worker Level I.

* Files of the application entered in a colored stopmap:

o Blue for graduates of D-III Pelayaran;

o Yellow for SMK Pelayaran graduates;

o Red for graduates of SMK Machine / Electrical / Electronics / Ship Building,

* Files of the application submitted to "Panitia Pusat Penyaringan/Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Golongan II di Lingkungan Departemen Keuangan Tahun Anggaran 2009" began on 18 July 2009 until the date of 7 August 2009 (postmark) through PO BOX 1001 Jakarta 10000

* On the top left corner of the envelope, writes where the desired location of the test and the selected KP code. Location of the test are selected can not be replaced during the test phase.

Example: Jakarta / 1 (Test Location / Qualification Code)

Selection and Implementation of Testing

* Selection through 4 (four) stages, with the fall system include:
o Selection of Administration;
o Academic Potential Test / Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA);
o Psychological test / Psikotes;
o Ability Tests and Special Courts;

* The location test will be held on the cities:
o Jakarta;
o Medan;
o Batam;
o Semarang;
o Surabaya;
o Bitung;
o Makasar.

* Applicants who pass Selection of Administration will be announced on Tuesday 19 August 2009 through the website of the Ministry of Finance and Representative Office of the Ministry of Finance;

* Applicants who have graduated Selection Administration will be given "Tanda Peserta Ujian (TPU)". The taking of "Tanda Peserta Ujian (TPU)" will be held on 24 and 25 August 2009 at the Representative Office of the Ministry of Finance.


In the process of registration, filtering / Revenue of Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Golongan II di Lingkungan Departemen Keuangan Tahun Anggaran 2009, the following conditions apply:

* For those who has submitted applications to the Ministry of Finance and has not yet got a reply from the announcement, as long as qualified in this announcement, to resubmit application is valid according to the procedures (applications that have been sent to the Ministry of Finance is considered not valid).

* In order filtering / Revenue to Candidate of Civil Public Servant, there are no guidances or preparation of preliminary tests, correspondence is not held and are free of charge during the selection process / test.

* Each announcement, showing on the website of Ministry of Finance and the website of Directorate General of Customs. Each applicant can see announcements of the test results for each of the stages on the website of Ministry of Finance and the website of Directorate General of Customs and at the announcement Board of Representative Office

* The Ministry of Finance located in the following areas:

o Medan: Kantor Wilayah DJBC Sumatera Utara Medan, Jln. Anggada II Kotak Pos I, Belawan 20041, Telp. (061) 6941907, 6941906

o Batam: Kantor Pelayanan Utama Bea dan Cukai Batam, Jln. Kuda Laut, Batu Ampar, Batam, Telp. (0778) 458818, 3544212

o Jakarta: Kantor Pusat Ditjen. Bea dan Cukai, Jln. A. Yani (By Pass) P.O. BOX 108 Jakarta Timur 10002, Telp. (021) 4890308 ext. 111

o Semarang: Kantor Wilayah DJBC Jawa Tengah dan DIY, Jln. Coaster No. 1-3 Semarang, Telp. (024) 3512404, 3544212

o Surabaya: Kantor Wilayah DJBC Jawa Timur I, Jln. Perak Timur 498 Surabaya, Telp. (031) 3295143, 3291066-69

o Makasar: Kantor Wilayah DJBC Sulawesi, Jln. Satando No. 94 Makasar 90172, Telp. (0411) 315737, 315446

o Bitung: Kantor Pengawasan dan Pelayanan Bea dan Cukai Tipe A3 Bitung, Jln. Ds. Sumolong No. 1 Bitung 95522 Telp. (0238) 21265, 21173

* Graduation of applicants at each stage of tests is determined by the applicant's ability and competence. If there are any party / persons who offers the promise that can be accepted into Candidate Civil Public Servant officer in the Ministry of Finance with a request of rewards, the act is fraudulent. The Committee is not responsible for the act of those persons.

* Decision of the Committee in the case of applicants at each stage of the test are absolute and can not be inviolable.

* If the applicant provide information / data that is not true, and known at days after, either at each test stage, and after appointed as Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) / Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) in the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Finance reserves the right to drop out and / or dismiss as Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) / Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS) in the Ministry of Finance, demanding compensation over losses that occur as a result of information that is not correct, and report as crime to the obligation parties, because it was giving false information.

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